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The 7th Hole of the Cragsmoor Country Club


Evidence of Cragsmoor’s past is obvious in its historic homes and buildings, such as the Stone Church, the Cragsmoor Free Library, and the Cragsmoor Historical Society (formerly the Federated Church).  In addition to these historic buildings are notable landscapes: Bear Hill, the Cragsmoor Cemetery, and the Cragsmoor Golf Course.  The Cragsmoor Country Club golf course surrounded the Cragsmoor Inn.  It was a beautifully designed, challenging golf course with sweeping views of the valley, designed by Golf Architect, Wayne E. Stiles. Construction began in 1924 and was completed in 1928. After World War Two, Ralph Brown, as president of the Cragsmoor Improvement Association, struggled to keep the Inn and the golf course alive. Long after the Inn finally did close, he managed to keep the golf course open for a number of years." With the decline of the Inn in the 1960s and its eventual destruction in the 1970s, the Golf Course was divided into residential lots and sold.


The last remaining hole of the Golf Course, 6.1 acres, located between Old Inn Road and the Cragsmoor Historical Society was offered by owner, Michael O’Shea to the Cragsmoor Historical Society at below market value. It was as completely overgrown; nature was reclaiming the once meticulously maintained landscape.  Originally the seventh hole, the direction of the course was altered, and it became the second hole. It is believed to have been changed after the clubhouse burned down in the 1950s, although there are conflicting theories about this. In 2001 the Cragsmoor Historical Society, fearing the development of the last remaining unaltered historical landscape of the Cragsmoor Inn, raised sufficient donations from the community to purchase the property.  Community volunteers have restored and maintained the property. The public is permitted to use the property for practice and recreation.  An interpretative sign, explaining the significance of this parcel, was installed in 2021.


Set at the entrance of the Cragsmoor Historical District and bordered by the original stone entrance to the Cragsmoor Inn, the parcel is now preserved and protected by the Cragsmoor Historical Society. This historic landscape is included in the Historic District and is listed on the National and State Register of Historic Places.

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